[vtkusers] vtk4.0 Error

Asad A. Abu-Tarif tarifa at rpi.edu
Thu Dec 20 07:37:33 EST 2001

I've been noticing that my nightly build is the only one with
NT and VC++ where the test "Test Separable Filter-image"
fails. It happend that I was up this morning and saw the error,
I wrote it down. The error is issued and then it times out and
continues with the other tests (today I didn't let time out, I
clicked OK).

Here is the error:
invalid command name "vtkImageSeparableConvolution"
while executing
"vtkImageSeparableConvolution convolve"
(file "D:/vtk4.0/VTK/Imaging/Testing/Tcl/TestSeparableFilter.tcl" line 28)
invoked from within
"source $file"

Hope this is helpful to whoever is debugging that failure.
Please tell me if the error is because of some setup thing
on my machine, not the code !!

The other consistent failure on my machine is the "Print Self-Graphics"
test which also seems to be passing on the other NT-VC++ builds.


     /                        Asad A. Abu-Tarif
     |   Computer Engineering.
     |   PhD Candidate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).       |
     |   http://asad.ods.org/Professional/
     |   tarifa at rpi.edu

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