ImmediateModeRendering problems

Randy Heiland heiland at
Fri Mar 10 07:15:27 EST 2000

VTK Wizards,

This is sort of a continuation of an earlier posting of mine regarding problems
I'm having at using  ImmediateModeRenderingOn()  on mappers.  (My earlier
problem dealt with colormaps getting overridden; still haven't figured that one
out).  Now my question is - what about those 2D classes (e.g.,
vtkScalarBarActor, vtkTextMapper) where there is no ImmediateModeRendering

I should point out that the reason I need ImmediateModeRendering in the first
place is that my application is doing offscreen rendering (using a SGI-specific
class of John Shalf's) that requires it.

Any suggestions?

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