Compiling problem on SGI

Maurizio Turatti mturatti at
Thu Jun 1 03:27:42 EDT 2000

On 31/05/2000 21.53.29 Ziji Wu wrote:

>I'm compiling VTK3.1 on a SGI system. I used the following command line to
>configure VTK:
>env CXX=/bin/cc CC=/bin/cc
>./configure --with-x --with-opengl --with-contrib --with-tcl --with-patented
> --with-tkwidget

I had the same problem on my O2. The error is that you have to use the
CXX=/bin/CC which is the c++ compiler, cc is the c compiler, so it does not link
the standard c++ library but the c one. This stupid thing gave me an headache
last week...


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