[Ves] subject: new version ves source code compiling's problem(kiwi projects)

邓卓夫 dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn
Sun Mar 17 11:12:38 EDT 2013

   I try git rev-parse HEAD and the commit sha1 is 29ce9ba3ff20d44cd1c8d4ccae2d41da5a010b2f

  Thank you for your help really!

Deng Zhuofu

发件人: "Pat Marion" <pat.marion at kitware.com>
发送时间: 2013年3月17日 星期日
收件人: "邓卓夫" <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>
抄送: ves at public.kitware.com
主题: Re: [Ves] subject: new version ves source code compiling's problem(kiwi projects)


Could you please verify which version of the source code you have?  From the source directory, enter:  git rev-parse HEAD   and let is know the commit sha1 that is displayed.  The error message you have posted looks like something that could have been printed if you used that cmake command line with an older version of the software.


On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:46 PM, 邓卓夫 <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn> wrote:

Hello developers and fans for kiwi,
Recently I download the recent version of vex and kiwi and happy to find that has a big change, now ios has 2 examples which are useful for me i believe. Also it change the last compiling ways in the command lines.
    And follow the instruction of building src in Readme.txt in iOS folder, when after
    $ cd <build dir>
    $ cmake -DVES_IOS_SUPERBUILD=1 <ves src dir>

    there are some error which puzzle me two days, please tell me how to solve them.
    the errors are:

     dengdeMacBook-Pro:object dengzhuofu$ cmake -DVES_IOS_SUPERBUILD=1 /users/dengzhuofu/ves/src
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package):
  By not providing "FindEigen.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
  asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Eigen", but
  CMake did not find one.

  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Eigen" with any of
  the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "Eigen" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "Eigen_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "Eigen"
  provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
  No cmake_minimum_required command is present.  A line of code such as

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

  should be added at the top of the file.  The version specified may be lower
  if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project.  For more
  information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Thank you for your help.  I am very and very paining.

Deng Zhuofu

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