[Ves] Questions on ViewerApp shader initialization

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Fri Apr 19 00:31:27 EDT 2013

Hi Pat,

> 1.  vesKiwiViewerApp serves as the main app logic for KiwiViewer, but it's not a great general base class, so improvements would be great!  I'd like to see all the shader management removed from vesKiwiViewerApp, and relocated into a new standalone class.

I'm not sure I have a clear vision of what would be the most useful in terms of shader management yet, but I'll think about it.

> 2. The Uniforms vector, and the other vectors declared there, are relics from before kiwi and ves libraries used shared_ptr.  The vectors were for ownership.  If you are going over this code, please remove them if you can.

That should be pretty simple. I'll put it on my todo list.


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