[Rtk-users] RTK on a GPU cluster

Julia Mascolo-Fortin julia.mascolo-fortin.1 at ulaval.ca
Tue Aug 25 13:25:54 EDT 2015


I'm working on a program that use ITK and the RTK module ITKCudaCommon. It works fine on my computer.

However, I'm trying to run it on a GPU cluster and the ITKCudaCommun throw an error:

RTK/utilities/ITKCudaCommon/include/itkCudaDataManager.h:54 @ unknown : Cuda Error : all CUDA-capable devices are busy or unavailable

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
  what(): RTK/utilities/ITKCudaCommon/include/itkCudaDataManager.h:54:
Cuda Error : all CUDA-capable devices are busy or unavailable

This error is obtained in this line in my code:

float *d_Projections  = *(float**)( m_Projections->GetCudaDataManager()->GetGPUBufferPointer() );

This error is weird because the program clearly state "Found 1 CUDA enabled device[s]"  and I have been able to run another program on that cluster without any problem.

If anyone has experience with the implementation on RTK program on a GPU cluster, your help would be appreciated.

Julia Mascolo-Fortin

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