[Paraview] examine a dataset

Sgouros, Thomas thomas_sgouros at brown.edu
Thu Apr 19 22:49:12 EDT 2018

Hi All:

Using pvpython, I want to find all the variables, their types, and ranges
in a vtkMultiBlockDataSet. I've read the file in successfully and made lots
of cool visualizations from it, but I'm doing it by examining the file in
Paraview and using the strings and data values I find there to create
python functions to make contours and streamlines and so on.

Cory pointed me to the GetDataInformation method, and that's a start, but I
am not seeing how to get what I need from that, though that's how I learned
I have a vtkMultiBlockDataSet. I'm sure this is obvious but I'm also sure
that I can't seem to see how to do it. Any suggestions?

Many thanks,

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