[Paraview] exporting selection labels to an SVG as editable/movable text-objects

David Lonie david.lonie at kitware.com
Fri Jun 6 08:53:26 EDT 2014

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 3:17 AM, Dr. Roman Grothausmann <
grothausmann.roman at mh-hannover.de> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Many thanks for Your quick answer. I checked exporting the labels of
> selections, where the text export works as expected (SVG attached).
> For using Paraview SVG export in latex it would still be very nice to have
> the same export functionality for the cube axes. Should I reopen the former
> feature-request/fix or open a new one just to keep track in the system
> should the VTK implementation become stable?

Feel free to open a new ticket in ParaView for exposing the vtkTextActor3D
option for cube axes.

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