[Paraview] Image Padding : extent problem again

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Wed Jun 29 15:45:17 EDT 2011

I was informed that a feature will be added in the next release to at
option correctly interpret extents at the price of potential
additional IO.



On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Jérôme <jerome.velut at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> A related thread can be found here:
>    http://www.mail-archive.com/paraview@paraview.org/msg02225.html
> where I also gave some links to previous threads.
> Briefly, the problem is not that simple to solved: ParaView has rules about
> how data are organized in order to achieve efficient parallel visualization
> for a whole pipeline (ParaView gurus, tell if I am wrong!). You will have to
> play with extent translators, as it had been discussed in a related thread.
> As it is not a bug, but a normal consequence of the basic purpose of
> ParaView, I didn't submit a feature request. I also didn't try the "Extent
> translator" hack used in a provided plugin (sorry I cannot remember which
> one, but you will find it in the mailing list archives).
> Best regards,
> Jerome
> 2011/6/29 Burlen Loring <bloring at lbl.gov>
>> Which filter is exhibiting this issue?
>> One potential source for such behavior could be that the filter in
>> question is not updating the WHOLE_EXTENT key in its RequestInformation
>> implementation, and/or not updating UPDATE_EXTENT correctly in its
>> REQUEST_DATA implementation. As a result ParView is using the original
>> extents. But I'd have to look to verify this hypothesis. If you could help
>> me set up the condition I would be willing to take  look.
>> Burlen
>> On 06/29/2011 10:52 AM, Tinning, Michael (UK) wrote:
>> I found this thread from about a year ago... I'm keen to find out if there
>> was any progress on it.
>> The problem is that on image-to-image type filters where the extent of the
>> output is greater than the extent of the input, the output image is cropped.
>> For example, if I have an input of extent [0 60 0 360 0 0] and an output
>> of extent [0 90 0 60 0 0] the output will be cropped to [0 60 0 60 0 0].
>> The output extent is unchanged; only the visualization in ParaView is
>> cropped.
>> I am using ParaView 3.10.1
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
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