[Paraview] Ordered xml inputs?

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:16:16 EST 2009

Are the InputProperties specified in the XML file ordered?

That is, if I do something like this in the VTK filter's RequestData

vtkPolyData * Source = static_cast<vtkPolyData
*>(this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(0, 0));
vtkPolyData * Target = static_cast<vtkPolyData
*>(this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(1, 0));

Then in the XML I have this:

        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
          <Group name="sources"/>
          <Group name="filters"/>
        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
          <DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
          Set the source data set. This data set that will move
towards the target data set.

        <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
          <Group name="sources"/>
          <Group name="filters"/>
        <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
          <DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
          Set the target data set. This data set will stay stationary.

but no where was it specified that Source is input 0 and Target is
input 1. Is the order implied? If so, maybe this is not such a good
idea as it could get confusing if there are other types of properties
(IntVectorProperty, for example) thrown in the mix. I'm assuming the
placement of something like IntVector property does not matter (i.e.
they could be listed before, after, or in between input properties?)
and does not increment the InputProperty counter?

Can anyone comment on this / confirm it is all correct?



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