[Paraview] Paraview Timestep information

Biao She shebiao at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 01:27:24 EST 2009

Hi everyone.
I am trying to visualize a beating heart using Paraview.
The files I need to read is a 4d dicom files. It contains several "groups"
of DICOM files. Each group of DICOM files has the same "Acquisition Time",
which means that this group of DICOM files represent the heart in a specific
To make things easier to say, suppose that I have 10 groups of DICOM files.
The first group of DICOM files is the heart at time 0, the last group of
DICOM files is the heart at time 9. I need to read those files and animate
them from 0 to 9.
I know how to read one group of DICOM files into paraview. The question is I
am not sure how to read all the files into paraview with "time" information?
The time information will be used for animation by Paraview.
Anyone has done that before? Any comment and idea will be highly
Thanks very much for your time!

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