[Paraview] how to utilize warp vector filter?

Julian Cummings cummings at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 16 15:57:24 EDT 2008


I have a set of scalar data on an unstructured grid representing
effective stress on a cylindrical tube.  I would like to use the warp
vector filter to exaggerate the displacement of the tube surface.  It
appears that I need to have the cell normals available as a data array
in order to scale the displacement and make it more visible.  How do I
do this?  When I load my unstructured grid data set, neither the Normals
Generation filter nor the Warp (vector) filter is available.  ParaView
is able to color the tube using cell normal as an attribute, but there
does not seem to be a way to extract this attribute and use it for the
warp vector filter.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, Julian C.

Dr. Julian C. Cummings                       E-mail: cummings at cacr.caltech.edu
California Institute of Technology           Phone:  626-395-2543
1200 E. California Blvd., Mail Code 158-79   Fax:    626-584-5917
Pasadena, CA 91125                           Office: 125 Powell-Booth

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