[Paraview] Filter Plot Cell over Time: BUG?

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Tue Apr 8 09:18:34 EDT 2008

This was not supported in 3.2. It is now supported. You can either
build from cvs or wait until we release binaries for a development
snapshot very soon (1 week probably).


On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 2:28 AM, Martin Larcher <martin.larcher at jrc.it> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I have some problems with the filter 'Plot Cell over Time'.
>  I use ParaView 3.2.1 (Windows) with pvd and vtu files. This works very fine.
>  Also the filter 'Plot Cell over Time' works well by using it without groups
>  in the pvd file.
>  If I want to plot the cell data over time with groups I have to extract one
>  group with 'Extract Datasets' (otherwise I get an error message "Can only
>  select points or cells from a subclass of vtkDataSet").
>  If I use then with one extracted group the filter 'Plot Cell over Time' I
>  get the same error message. If I ignore the message and press Apply,
>  ParaView crushes.
>  Is it
>  * a problem in my data files (see an example with two elements in two groups
>  http://www.larcher.de/static/bug.zip)
>  * not possible to visualize cells over time by using cells in groups
>  * a special problem of the Windows version
>  * a bug in ParaView
>  Thank you for a feedback!
>  Martin
>  --
>  Dr.-Ing. Martin Larcher
>  European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
>  ELSA, T.P. 480
>  Via E. Fermi, 2749
>  I-21027 Ispra (VA)
>  martin.larcher at jrc.it
>  http://www.elsa.jrc.it/
>  +390332789004
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