[Paraview] Linux build

Alan Louis Scheinine scheinin at crs4.it
Wed Oct 18 12:01:54 EDT 2006

The instructions say:

mkdir paraview-2.0.0-solaris
cd paraview-2.0.0-solaris
ccmake ../paraview-2.0.0
make && make install

but this does not work, there is nothing in paraview-2.0.0-solaris
If I do a make in the source then there is a error message that
I must use a different build directory.  But with regard to using
a different build directory, the instructions are missing something
of fundamental importance.
Also, I tried
make -f ../paraview-2.0.0/Makefile
and nothing happens,
nothing happens also for
make -f ../paraview-2.0.0/Makefile all
make -f ../paraview-2.0.0/Makefile install

Please help,
Alan Scheinine

  Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna
  Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia

  Postal Address:               |  Physical Address for FedEx, UPS, DHL:
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  09010 Pula (Cagliari), Italy  |  09010 Pula (Cagliari), Italy

  Email: scheinin at crs4.it

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