RES: [Paraview] Writing unformatted Fortran data

Benjamin REVEILLE benjamin.reveille at
Fri Feb 10 12:14:49 EST 2006

you need to todeclare one more parameter at the end of the C version of 

Fortran Version : call WriteEnsightGeometryBin ( arch, irank+1, nnos, nel, 3, 4, 
.                              ien(1,1), xyz(1,1) )

C version: void WriteEnsightGeometryBin ( char *arch, int irank, int nnos, int nel, 3, 4, 
.                              int *ien, real *xyz, int larch ) larch is the lenthg of arch that the fortran call will pass

then  char *string=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(larch+1)) // +1 to put 
the null character
then use string instead of arch...

I use this very often...

Renato N. Elias wrote:

>Hi Stéphane,
>You're in a bad luck. Actually, most of the Fortran compilers has support to
>write "binary" files (I'm sure about: Compaq, Intel & PGF90). 
>I've already got this problem too, but it only happens with PV because
>Ensight can handle both types of binary data. I also got problem when tried
>to read, in PV, binary (form='binary') Ensight "GOLD" files written by
>Fortran routines. 
>I have not found a solution yet but I started to implement a C routine,
>only, to write Ensight's files from my Fortran code (I'm sending in attach).
>As you can see, the routines are very simple (I'm not a C/C++ programmer)
>and, I guess, you can easily modify them to fit in your problem. I know it's
>not the ideal solution but, up to now, it was the easiest solution for me.
>>>>please Berk and PV team, help us, poor Fortran programmers, giving
>support for both type of binaries in PV ;-) <<< I'm joking...
>NOTE: I'm still looking for a good way to pass a Fortran character to a C
>routine as a C string (null terminated). I've been doing the following:
>character :: arch*80, null*1
>external WriteEnsightGeometryBin
>null = char(0)
>arch= "MyFile.geo"//null
>call WriteEnsightGeometryBin ( arch, irank+1, nnos, nel, 3, 4, 
>.                              ien(1,1), xyz(1,1) )
>And I should advise your that not always it works fine ;-)
>Renato N. Elias
>PhD student -
>High Performance Computing Center
>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
>Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
>+55(21) 2562-8080 
>-----Mensagem original-----
>De: Stéphane Montésino [mailto:Stephane.Montesino at] 
>Enviada em: sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2006 13:05
>Para: Renato N. Elias
>Assunto: [Paraview] Writing unformatted Fortran data
>Hi Renato,
>Openning file in Binary form is only possible with Microsoft Develloppers
>When I wanted to run my routine on IBM SP4, I had to change the form to
>UNFORMATTED because the key word BINARY is not accepted..
>But now I can't read my data with paraview.
>Does anyone has a solution to write UNFORMATTED fortran data that can be
>read with Paraview ????
>ParaView mailing list
>ParaView at

 Benjamin Réveillé               

 Institut Français du Pétrole       Tel  : +33 1 47 52 62 68
 Section R1022R  /  Bureau L207     Fax  : +33 1 47 52 70 68
 1 & 4, avenue de Bois-Preau

 mail : benjamin.reveille at


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