[Paraview] Running paraview with MPI

Emmanuel Colin emmanuel.colin@supelec.fr
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 22:26:48 +0100


>>I just tried to do it this way (started two X servers and arranged for 
>>each window to have its own), but (still using the mandelbrot source) I 
>>just got black renderer windows. When I interact with the scene, it 
>>appears, but as soon as I release it an it gets fully rendered the 
>>display area goes black...
> Hmmm. Something must be going wrong in the compositing. Does changing
> any of the "Parallel rendering parameters" in Genera Setting make
> any difference ?

It doesn't seem to. By the way there seems to be a small bug with the 
"Parallel rendering parameters" push buttons : clicking on the 
"Composite with floats" button, I got the "Composite RGBA" button pushed 
as well.

I tried the same two X servers business on another (more up to date) 
system, and got separate rendering windows to display correctly, but 
compositing didn't work.
Seems like compositing doesn't support working with both :0 and :1 
display on the same computer. It does work nonetheless, when I use two 
computers with display :0, like you suggested.

Thanks for your advice, an thanks to Charles for the great "collection 
treshold" tip.
