[Paraview] Bug report in ParaView

Dann dann@club-internet.fr
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 21:12:56 +0100


I found an old bug in ParaView and I just verify in the last nightly 
version, it is still here. I hope this is the right place for bug report...
On unix system (tested on linux) if you run ParaView without an absolute 
path (so ParaView is in the system path) there is a segmentation fault 
when you try to play the demo:

This problem is due to an error in the file 
"KWCommon/vtkKWDirectoryUtilities.cxx" in the method "GetSystemPath" 
(line 270 today):

the original line :
    if ((length > 0) && (path[length-1] != pathSep[0]))
must be change in
    if ((length > 0) && (pathEnv[length-1] != pathSep[0]))
