[Paraview] Corner Annotation

Andy Cedilnik andy . cedilnik at kitware . com
30 Jul 2003 11:00:09 -0400

Hi Jean,

There was already feature request for this. I am not sure if it is in
the bug tracker or not, but it should be done at some point.

You can do it already though. Use Script action in the animation menu
and do something like:

[ [ [$Application GetMainWindow] GetMainView ] GetCornerAnnotation ]
SetCornerText "timestep = $globalPVTime"

And make sure the visibility is on.


On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 10:38, Jean M. Favre wrote:
> I have not been able to figure out how to simply set a CornerAnnotation
> which can be updated during an Animation, for example, going thru an
> EnSight TimeSet, I'd like to use $pvTime to update my text string, with
> a time-dependent value..., as in 
> timestep = 1
> timestep = 2
> etc...
> Additionally, it would be great to have better control of the screen
> position (x, y pixels) of the 4 annotations. Any hints, or does the
> automatic font size control prevent us from positioning a label where we
> want it?