[Paraview-developers] CVS->Git Transition Plan

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Apr 19 12:02:34 EDT 2010

Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:
> I'm sitting on a very large number of local diffs in my CVS tree.

Well, it's time to convert those into some local commits :)
Then you can rebase or merge with the upstream work with more

You can use 'cvs diff' to construct a patch and then apply
that to a new Git clone.  First, do 'cvs update' to get
the latest (final) version available from CVS:

  VTKfromCVS$ cvs update

Then compute your local diff in a format Git understands:

  VTKfromCVS$ cvs diff -u > ~/myvtk.patch

Start your Git clone:

  $ git clone git://vtk.org/VTK.git
  $ cd VTK

The matching Git commit is


Start a local branch at that commit:

  VTK$ git checkout -b myvtk fddd6bba

Apply the patch:

  VTK$ git apply ~/myvtk.patch

Create one or more local commits:

  VTK$ git add Common/vtkMyModifiedClass.*
  VTK$ git commit
  (enter commit message in editor...use a short summary line,
   followed by a blank line, followed by a detailed description)

You can use 'git add' or even 'git add -p' to stage and commit
each of your local modifications separately.

Also, read the instructions here:


to set up local commit checks.

> Also, for commits, who do I send my public key to?

See the instructions here:


They point you to the login signup page:


For the verification reference you can just write "existing committer"
or something to that effect.


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