[Kiwiviewer] Load multiple part scene in KiwiViewer

Frank Millo frank.millo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 11:35:05 EST 2013

Hi all,

how can I import a multi part scene into Kiwiviewer?
I can upload thru dropbox single .vtk files from Paraview and display them
in Kiwiviewer.
However when using the method described in the WIKI e.g. filename,url
I get the error 'No installed apps support opening this file'.

Can anyone point me to resources describing how to package up polygonal
meshes (.vtk format) so I can show them in Kiwiviewer? Basically I would
like to create a scene with my data similar to the built in example: 'NAMIC
Knee Atlas'.
I used ParaView version 3.8 and KiwiViewer 0.0.2

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