[Insight-users] A question about kernel width of RecursiveGaussianImageFilter

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Dec 3 22:23:43 EST 2007

Hi Liu,

This filter doesn't use a convolution Kernel,
therefore the concept of "kernel width" doesn't apply.

This filter is based on IIR filters and use a forward and
backward passes with a discrete filter of order four.

For details on the implementation of this filter, please
look at the following papers:

      R.Deriche in IEEE-PAMI
      Vol.12, No.1, January 1990, pp 78-87,
      "Fast Algorithms for Low-Level Vision"

       R. Deriche,
   "Recursively Implementing The Gaussian and Its Derivatives",
  INRIA, 1993, ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/tech-reports/RR/RR-1893.ps.gz

One of the nice properties of this implementation is that
the computation time is independent of the size of Sigma.



liu jianfei wrote:
> Hello
>    I'm using RecursiveGaussianImageFilter to smooth the image and
> trying to find out what's the kernel width of gaussian function. For
> instance, we could use 'SetMaximumKernelWidth' function to explicitly
> set the width for DiscreteGaussianImageFilter. Correspondingly, what's
> the kernel width of RecursiveGaussianImageFilter? Is it 10 sigma?
>    I'm looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

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