[Insight-users] ITKIO changes in ITK 2.6.0

Brian Eastwood beastwoo at email.unc.edu
Thu Mar 16 18:24:33 EST 2006

Hi All,

I use a set of third party libraries (ImageMagick) to handle image IO 
because ITK doesn't seem to open certain tiffs, notably 16-bit tiffs 
from some microscope cameras in my lab.  I usually have to configure ITK 
to use ImageMagick's external tiff library (to avoid linking errors), 
but I still read images through ImageMagick APIs.  In the recent ITK 
2.6.0 release, I get the following linking error:

CORE_RL_jp2_.lib(jp2_dec.obj) : error LNK2005: _jp2_decode already 
defined in itkopenjpeg.lib(jp2.obj)
CORE_RL_jp2_.lib(jp2_dec.obj) : warning LNK4006: _jp2_decode already 
defined in itkopenjpeg.lib(jp2.obj); second definition ignored

To me, this indicates ITK and ImageMagick have used the same symbols 
within their jpeg libraries.  Is there a similar way to point ITK to 
external jpeg libraries to avoid these errors?

Brian Eastwood

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