[Insight-users] FE help

Nick Tustison tustison at grasp.cis.upenn.edu
Fri Feb 24 08:39:41 EST 2006


Unfortunately, there is not much additional documentation
than what exists in the Software Guide.  We are working on
improving that but that is somewhat low priority right 
now.  As for now, I'll send you (to your private email 
account) a copy of a presentation that was given explaining 
the FEM package.

Nick Tustison

On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 08:21, Irina IONESCU wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Would you please point me towards any help material regarding the FE 
> package in ITK, other than the material included under Deformable 
> registration (section 8.13) in the Documentation manual?
> Your help is appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Irina Ionescu
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