[Insight-users] Bug in BinaryDilateImageFilter?

Miller, James V (Research) millerjv at crd.ge.com
Thu Jun 2 13:09:31 EDT 2005


Looking at the code, it looks like the pixels are set to the DilateValue.  
Can you verify the bug?


-----Original Message-----
From: insight-users-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at itk.org
[mailto:insight-users-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at itk.org]On Behalf Of
Gable, Todd (GE Infrastructure)
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:01 PM
To: insight-users at itk.org
Subject: [Insight-users] Bug in BinaryDilateImageFilter?

I noticed that that the BinaryDilateImageFilter sets the pixels to one no matter what the DilateValue is set too. Should the DilateValue not only specify what pixels to operate on, shouldn't it also be the output value? The description from the Doxygen file is a bit fuzzy on this, but it makes sense not to lose the segment number, at least to me. If it is working as intended, then it's easy enough to add a second step to replace the ones with the DilateValue. Thanks.
Dilate an image using binary morphology. Gray scale images can be processed as binary images by selecting a "DilateValue". Pixel values matching the dilate value are considered the "foreground" and all other pixels are "background". This is useful in processing segmented images where all pixels in segment #1 have value 1 and pixels in segment #2 have value 2, etc. A particular "segment number" can be processed.

Todd Gable

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