[Insight-developers] updating TransformFactoryBase - module dependecy issue

M Stauffer (V) mstauff at verizon.net
Mon Oct 31 13:11:51 EDT 2011

Hi Xiaoxiao,
I think it makes sense to move TransformFactoryBase and TransformFactory into ITKIOTransformBase, since it and TransformFactory only seem to be used in the context of IO, at least w/in ITK itself. A separate new module like I suggested makes less sense, I agree.
If you have time to move TransformFactoryBase and TransformFactory to ITKIOTransformBase then that'd be a great help, otherwise I can do it too later this week.
A separate IO method for DisplacementField w/out TransformFactory sounds like it would be awkward, since another mechanism would be needed for instantiating transforms during IO.


From: Xiaoxiao Liu [mailto:xiaoxiao.liu at kitware.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 11:46 AM
To: M Stauffer (V)
Cc: ITK-dev-list-mstauff at ver
Subject: Re: [Insight-developers] updating TransformFactoryBase - module dependecy issue

Hi Michael,�
Ideally, �it would be great if we could move transform related displacement field classes into�ITKTransform. 
Then the dependency would be �one way: ITKDisaplcementField � depends on ITKTransform. 
And you could then add displacement field transforms into TransformFactoryBase.
However, ITKDIsplacementField uses ITKImageFunction (itkDisplacementFieldTransform needs itkVectorInterpolateImageFunction),which would then bring
a new circular dependency between ITKImageFunction and �ITKTransform.

So it's probably wise to either 1)�move ITKTransformFactoryBase classes into ITKIOTransformBase module, and then you could add ITKDisplacementFiled into�ITKIOTransformBase's dependency list.
Or 2) �have a IO method for DisplacementFiled without using itkTransformFactory, and keep it clean and completely inside the ITKDisplacementField module.
Your suggestion makes sense but the new module would end up with one or two classes only.

Let me know what do you think and I can help you proceed.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 1:19 PM, M Stauffer (V) <mstauff at verizon.net> wrote:


I'm updating TransformFactoryBase to add new transform
(DisplacementFieldTransfrom and derived). However, these new transforms
are in ITKDisplacementField module, which depends on ITKTransform.
TransformFactory is in ITKTransform, so cannot include from
ITKDisplacementField w/out a circular dependency. Should I move
TransformFactoryBase and TransformFactory into its own module,


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Xiaoxiao Liu, Ph.D. 
R & D Engineer
Kitware  <http://www.kitware.com/> Inc.
Clifton Park, NY 
Phone: (518) 881-4924 �or �(518) 371-3971 x124

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