[Insight-developers] Split ImageFileReader/Writer Factory And Factoryless- crazy idea 2

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 14:55:38 EST 2011


Following up again on today's t-con...

Rather than generate a .cxx file at cmake tiime, why not add #idef's
to the current ImageIOFactory.cxx file.

#include "itkPNGImageIOFactory.h"
      ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory( PNGImageIOFactory::New() );

The CMakeLists.txt would default each ITKIO_ to be ON. The ifdef'f
might be useful elsewhere. I realize that this dds to cmake variable
bloat, but
I think the cmake gui lets you turn groups on/off, so the user would
turn on the ITKIO group and set the IO's she wants.


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