[Insight-developers] WarpImageFilter changes & Dashboard practices

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Mar 20 18:40:37 EDT 2009

Hi Kent,

The methods that you recently added to the WarpImageFilter:

Have several issues:

1) They don't compile.
    This is only raised by the Wrap builds, because of (2)

2) You didn't add tests for them in the WarpImageFilterTest,
    and therefore the code is never instantiated, except for
    the wrapping.

3) Methods that take images as arguments shouldn't use
    SmartPointers. They should use raw pointers, in order
    to facilitate polymorphism.

4) There is no need to have a two methods, one for const
    and another for non-const images as arguments, since
    all the methods called in the argument image are const,
    and therefore the const version will also work for a
    non-const image.

5) The naming of the methods do not need to have the
    "Const" part in the name, even if the argument is
    const. The compiler will manage fine two methods
    with same name and different signature in the arguments.

6) Implementation of methods should go in the .txx files,
    not the .h files.

7) The method is redundant with the "Reference Image" method.

Unfortunately, similar issues were already creeping in the
itkResampleImageFilter, and have made part of previous

We can fix (1), (2) and (5),
while backward-compatibility policy forces us to
live with the consequences of (3), (4) and (6).


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