[Insight-developers] Process Check for all ITK developers

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 21:16:25 EDT 2009


After you check in code, please be diligent about keeping the CDash
dashboard green. We have worked hard over the past year to remove
warnings and failing tests. Also we support a large number of
hardware/compiler combination. Even if your compiler builds without
errors/warnings, there is a good chance that some other compiler will
have a problem.

CDash supports sending e-mails to developers that check in code with
defects. But that does not seem to be enough to keep the system clean.

1) Please make sure you have registered with CDash and that you
request e-mail notification for failures, warnings, etc.

2) If you check in code, be diligent about checking the dashboard. The
following day, monitor the dashboard and check EVERY yellow or red
item on EVERY platform. The Nightly Expected, and Continuous builds
should be clean. Someone else may have caused the problem, but you
might also be the culprit.

3) If the the current dashboard has lots of defects, please do not
check in code until the responsible party fixes the problems.

4) We have implemented commit-checks for programming style for all of
Code. Examples are next, then Testing/Code. This commit check will
prevent style defects.

I check the ITK dashboard every morning. Some of you know, I send
personal e-mails (not cc'ed to the list) to gently remind you to
attend to defects that you introduce. We provide enough info for
developers, that these friendly reminders should not be necessary.



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