[Insight-developers] Re: Next week's meeting

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 06:54:40 -0500

Hi Dimitri-

>At 02:33 PM 1/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I was in Switzerland last week reviewing some medical programs and I
>think I convinced several of the PIs to start using ITK.

Great news.

>We have done many changes to the algorithms that we have already checked
>and would very much like to present a very detailed overview of all the 
>we have and what we can do.
>So we need a 45min slot to present our algorithms and the various hybrid
>ways of combining them.
>Finally, we can show some demos of how to use our algorithms.

There is some time on Thursday for new developments. There is no way we 
have time for a 45 minute presentation since we will have six topics for 
120 minute session. Twenty minutes should do it, followed up by some 
communication on the Insight developers list. (Contribution to the ITK 
software guide would also be welcome.)  I would suggest you take the time 
to highlight the new features and then make the resources available so that 
interested parties can follow up on it. There will be time during breaks 
and in the evening to show people the demos.

(My thoughts: this is a critical developer's meeting...probably the last 
chance to make big design changes to the code with a late September 
completion date. I'd like to spend more time working these issues than 
talking about accomplishments.)

1:00 - Recent Developments
         + ITK Software Guide / Crediting contributors (Luis / Will)
         + Neighborhood iterators (Josh)
         + Level set framework (Lydia/Josh)
         + DICOM Parser and DICOM IO (Jim)
         + Spatial Objects (Stephen / Julien)
         + Hybrid Algorithms (Dimitri)

>Also I have taught last semester a course using ITK and would like to
>present our epxeriences.

Great, we have some time at the end of the day on Thursday. It's be great 
if you helped George and Stephen out.

4:30 - Teaching with ITK: Status
         + Short course (Luis / Bill / Stephen / Josh / etc.)
         + Semester Course (George / Stephen / Dimitri)

If other people have diverging opinions let's hear it.... I've attached the 
evolving agenda we have thus far.


9:00 - Introduction / Status (Terry)
         + Introductions all around
         + Status / organizational issues
         + Program future

  9:30 - New Contractors
         + Overview of software/quality process (Bill L.)
         + Contractors talk about 10 minutes each

11:30 - ITK Theory Book (Terry/All)

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Recent Developments
         + ITK Software Guide / Crediting contributors (Luis / Will)
         + Neighborhood iterators (Josh)
         + Level set framework (Lydia/Josh)
         + DICOM Parser and DICOM IO (Jim)
         + Spatial Objects (Stephen / Julien)
         + Hybrid Algorithms (Dimitri)

3:00 - Issues 1
         + InsightApplications as separate checkout (Will / Luis)
         + Managing GUI / dependencies in Applications  / Triple TK (fltk, 
vtk, itk) (Jim / Luis)
         + Applications working directory (Bill L.)
         + Pervasive Pipelining (Jim)
         + DLL's on Windows (Ken Martin)

4:30 - Teaching with ITK: Status
         + Short course (Luis / Bill / Stephen / Josh / etc.)
         + Semester Course (George / Stephen / Dimitri)

9:00 - Release Schedules (Bill L. / All)
         + What to call it
         + Dates / timeline
         + Transition plan (funding/ Insight Consortium, etc.)
         + Who's doing what where / coordinating work (Luis)

10:00 - ITK in Application
         + FDA Issues (Cleary / Luis)
         + Issues (Luis)

10:30 - Issues 2
        + Level set (Lydia / Josh / Other)
         + Path class / Chain code (Luis)
         + Registration extensions (Lydia)
         + FEM / Mesh / Deformable models (Will)

1:00 - Planning, Conclusions and Action Items (Terry / All)
         + Review bug list / open issues (Lydia)
         + What needs to be done by September

3:00 - Drink Beer / Go Home