[Insight-developers] Tcl Wrapping Available

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Thu, 16 May 2002 15:20:08 -0400

Most excellent!
Party on Dude.

At 10:51 AM 5/16/2002 -0400, Brad King wrote:
>Hello, all:
>There is now an "itktcl" executable that provides an easy way to run
>ITK using Tcl.  For those interested, here is how to build it:
>1.) Get CMake from CVS.  CMake release version 1.4 will include the needed
>     commands, but they are currently only available in CVS.
>2.) Install GCC-XML version 0.2, available at http://www.gccxml.org
>3.) Get CABLE from CVS.  Build it using CMake.
>   cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/Cable login
>   password=cable
>   cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/Cable co Cable
>4.) Run CMake on ITK.  Turn on the "ITK_WRAP_TCL" option and
>     re-configure.  CMake will ask for "CABLE_BUILD_DIR".  Set this
>     to point at your CABLE build tree.  Building ITK will give you an
>     "itktcl" executable in Wrapping/Tcl/Executable.
>There is an example script in the source tree in
>Wrapping/Tcl/Executable.  It will display a GUI that allows some
>interaction for running a filter.  It is called "randomImage.tcl".
>If on Windows, keep in mind that only Visual C++ 6.0 is supported.
>The .NET support requires more support from GCC-XML which has yet to
>be added.  Also, make sure the
>   ${CABLE_BINARY_DIR}/CableTclFacility/Debug
>directory is in your system PATH (where Debug is the actual build
>configuration you used for CABLE).  This is needed because the
>CableTclFacility library is linked to every wrapping package, but must
>currently be shared (a .dll).
>Once we are comfortable with building and using the wrappers I've provided
>so far, I can write additional instructions about how to add new wrappers.
>Good luck,
>Insight-developers mailing list