[Insight-developers] BloxCoreAtomImage

Brad King brad.king@kitware.com
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 09:17:06 -0500 (EST)

> Thanks for the heads-up... I've checked in a few minor changes which
> create a clean build of all tests under Visual C++. The changes you
> made to BloxCoreAtomImage are fine. The only thing I'm unsure of are
> the dashboard errors related to wrapping - were these fixed by your
> superclass template argument fix?
Some of the errors still remain, but not directly in

The SpatialFunctionImageEvaluatorFilter has the following lines in its
GenerateData method:

  // The value produced by the spatial function
  double value;

  // The position at which the function is evaluated
  Point<double, TOutputImage::ImageDimension> evalPoint;

  // Walk the output image, evaluating the spatial function at each pixel
  for ( ; !outIt.IsAtEnd(); ++outIt)
    typename TOutputImage::IndexType index = outIt.GetIndex();
    outputPtr->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, evalPoint );
    value = m_PixelFunction->Evaluate(evalPoint);

    // Set the pixel value to the function value
    outIt.Set( (PixelType) value);

This again hard-codes the supported type to double.  I think the
"evalPoint" should be of type

typename TSpatialFunction::InputType

to make sure that it provides the correct argument to the spatial
function's Evaluate method.  Also, the type of the "value" variable
should be

typename TSpatialFunction::OutputType

Please make whatever fix is necessary.  Thanks.

Oh, and the HybridFilter errors had to do with dimension mis-matches on
the template arguments to the class, so that should be fixed now too.
