[Insight-developers] Download Related Software pages

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:59:01 -0500

I've taken a first crack at some web pages for downloading related software 
from the ITK site. I have some questions and need some help:

+ The VTK binaries (from the VTK web site) I'm assuming are not built with 
RTTI and with ANSI stdlib. I'm also assuming that this means that they are 
incompatible with an ITK build. So I'm planning on doing a VTK 4.0 build 
with these flags turned on. Offer suggestions if there is a better way.

+ Could someone (Jim/Bill) create a compressed tar file for the SGI stdlib 
compiler replacement. Please also provide me with some information about 
building ITK on the SGI (which SGI compiler versions, how to use the patch, 
what you have to do to CMake).

+ Bill H. Please add a CMake warning when trying to compile on an SGI 
without the compiler patch.

+ Right now CMake, VTK, FLTK, and the SGI patch are on the download site. 
Am I missing anything else?
