[Insight-developers] Debug vs. RelWithDebInfo

Robert J Tamburo rjtst21@pitt.edu
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 10:17:34 -0400

First, I do not really know the difference between building with Debug
versus DelWithDebInfo. I thought this was a project setting and assumed that
CMake configures this automatically. CMake does set Debug mode as /MDd and
RelWithDebInfo is /MD under Project Settings in the C/C++ Tab (MVSC 6).
HOWEVER, for the past 2 days I've been mashing my head over a  run-time
error* executing itkTestLoadVOL, while Wilson has been executing it with no

After, a few clean updates, copying his Insight tree, blah blah, it turns
out that I was building in Debug mode and he was bulding in RelWithDebInfo
mode**.  The weird thing is that, he had this same problem a while ago, but
he thought he fixed it by including itkVOLImageIO in the ITKIO library. But
this was not the fix, somehow his build setting got switched from Debug to

So, I'm basically asking, what is the difference between Debug and

* The Test file runs completely through, but when it reaches the closing
brace crashes, while calling various destructors.
** My problem is fixed if I stay in Debug Mode and change /MDd to /MD.
However, switching to RelWithDebInfo causes a build error about finding a
MSVC library.

Thanks for any help addressing anything in this email,