[Insight-developers] itkMinimumMaximumCalculator

Miller, James V (CRD) millerjv@crd.ge.com
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 08:53:18 -0500

We will not have non-streaming process object by the beta.

However, this could still be written as a filter that required all of it input.  A user could call
Update() on the filter, it would calculate the minimum and maximums and then the user could query the
filter for those minimum and maximum values (vias some sort of Get method). The filter's output could
just pass the input to the output.

This at least would allow the calculator to operate in the pipeline. Where the calculator would
re-calculate the statistics when any of the inputs changed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Julien Jomier [mailto:jjomier@cs.unc.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 7:37 PM
To: Insight Developers
Subject: [Insight-developers] itkMinimumMaximumCalculator


I have a question regarding architecture assessment.
I agree with the fact that MinimumMaximumImageCalculator
should be implemented as a filter, but I need an itkProcessObject 
which doesn't support region. I know that Jim was looking at that.

Do we plan to have one for the release ?
Could I leave this calculator (I'll fix the documentation) like it is
for the release and we'll convert it after ?



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