[Insight-developers] ITK_MANUAL_INSTATIATION in txx files

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Wed Jun 28 09:16:52 EDT 2000

Hi Luis-

Brad and I are concerned about your last message because we are thinking that you
are doing some active development. Brad is currently in the middle of a huge set of 
changes and is worried about messing up your work, so it's probably best if you don't 
check anything in until he gives the okay. The changes go beyond the namespace and .txx 
changes, he's cleaning up style, reworking typedefs, added a light-weight object (to 
minimize memory cost for objects that need reference counting but not the full functionality 
of itkObject), etc. 

Once everything is checked back in - hopefully today - we'll send email describing the changes.
We've also discussed a few more style changes and I will be checking the style document in as well
(to make sure everybody agrees with and understands the guidelines).


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