[Insight-developers] Re: Ideas for online documentation

George Stetten george@stetten.com
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 14:38:19 -0500

It would be good if anyone on the web could read the documentation with a
standard browser.  Both ".pdf" and HTML provide that these days.  In my limited
experience, LaTeX requires downloading the files and using a special reader like
ghostview (or is there simple plug-ins for the standard browser?).

Writing in HTML is the most universally readable, provides easy linking to
individual researcher's web-pages for further information, combines nicely with
Doxygen, and probably provides the best documentation for "on-line" usage.  It
wouldn't print up nearly as nicely as LaTeX or ".pdf"

HTML is a pain to work in.  Perhaps even worse than LaTeX, especially for

There's no perfect solution.  I think that an HTML core describing the software,
linking to individual researcher's "white papers" in .pdf describing the
mathematics might work well.

George Stetten
CMU / U. Pitt