naming convention

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Tue Apr 18 12:40:10 EDT 2000

The matrix library picked was the TargetJr library.
I will be checking the library soon into the Insight directory.
The pdf documentation for the Numerics already checked into
the Insight/Documents.

It contains minimization algorightms like LevenbergMarquardt.
The documentation is a bit old, as they have changed the naming
conventions to be STL style.   
to give you an idea of the names and types of algorithms, 
here is an ls in the algo directory for the vnl 
(vision numerics library):

[hoffman at www algo]$ ls
CVS                                   vnl_cpoly_roots.h                     vnl_matrix_inverse.h                  vnl_determinant.cxx                   vnl_matrix_inverse.txx                dll.h                                 vnl_determinant.h                     vnl_netlib.h
makefile                              vnl_discrete_diff.cxx                 vnl_qr.cxx
vnl_affine_approx.cxx                 vnl_discrete_diff.h                   vnl_qr.h
vnl_affine_approx.h                   vnl_fft1d.cxx                         vnl_real_eigensystem.cxx
vnl_algo.dsp                          vnl_fft1d.h                           vnl_real_eigensystem.h
vnl_algo_fwd.h                        vnl_fft2d.cxx                         vnl_rnpoly_solve.cxx
vnl_amoeba.cxx                        vnl_fft2d.h                           vnl_rnpoly_solve.h
vnl_amoeba.h                          vnl_fftxd_prime_factors.cxx           vnl_rpoly_roots.cxx
vnl_chi_squared.cxx                   vnl_fftxd_prime_factors.h             vnl_rpoly_roots.h
vnl_chi_squared.h                     vnl_gaussian_kernel_1d.cxx            vnl_sparse_symmetric_eigensystem.cxx
vnl_cholesky.cxx                      vnl_gaussian_kernel_1d.h              vnl_sparse_symmetric_eigensystem.h
vnl_cholesky.h                        vnl_generalized_eigensystem.cxx       vnl_svd.h
vnl_complex_eigensystem.cxx           vnl_generalized_eigensystem.h         vnl_svd.txx
vnl_complex_eigensystem.h             vnl_lbfgs.cxx                         vnl_symmetric_eigensystem.cxx
vnl_conjugate_gradient.cxx            vnl_lbfgs.h                           vnl_symmetric_eigensystem.h
vnl_conjugate_gradient.h              vnl_levenberg_marquardt.cxx
vnl_cpoly_roots.cxx                   vnl_levenberg_marquardt.h

At 11:15 AM 4/18/00 -0400, Luis Ibanez wrote:

>By the way,
>which one is the proposed matrix library ?
>is it MTL ?

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