[IGSTK-Users] Tracker

chamara jayalath jaya.chamara at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 23:01:37 EDT 2010

In my Navigator application I ditch the Tracker Controller and Commented the
tracker configuration processing. And i initiate my MOuse Tracker in
Navigator.h as follows.
igstk::MouseTrackerTool::Pointer trackerTool;
igstk::MouseTracker::Pointer tracker;

Then to use trackerTool and tracker I open the tracker and attach the
trackerTool to the tracker in trackerconfigurationprocessing method. The
code snippet is follows.

   igstkLogMacro2( m_Logger, DEBUG,
   "BronchoscopyNavigator::iwarai called...\n" )

m_StateMachine.PushInput( m_SuccessInput );

The above code is the only code I used in trackerconfigurationprocessing
 method and the configuration file achieving is commented. But when I run
the application it stucks in trackerconfigurationprocessing and I can't find
why. Is it because I am initiating the tracker in wrong way. Here my only
concern is to ditch the IGSTK trackers and use mousetracker actually a
updated version of mousetracker. Hope to hear from you soon.
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