[IGSTK-Users] About file .msh

Izumo Spedicato izumo82 at hotmail.it
Fri Mar 6 05:32:29 EST 2009

I'm a newbie developer in IGSTK.. In these days I have
appreciated yours work for Navigator example but I wonder why you
decided to load spatial object in msh format and not in vtk format. Why?
don't know which benefits can we have in this way since many
application (like 3d Slicer, for example) generate model from DICOM in
VTK format (I don't think there is a way to generate volume in msh file
from dicom.. is it right?). 

About this, do we have to develop an application to convert from vtk to msh or exists an easier way to resolv my problem?
Sorry for my ingenuous question but i don't have experience in this type of application, so yours help is all for me!!!

Thank you very much,

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