[Dart] Problem running a submit...

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Mon Jun 21 19:50:46 EDT 2004

What is your machine name? If it is Goku, then you succeeded.


At 07:42 PM 6/21/2004, David Cleaver wrote:

>Lee A Ankeny wrote:
> >
> > Your problems are with DROP_METHOD=ftp I believe? You might try 
> DROP_METHOD=http. It's working for me where ftp does not.
> >
> > Lee
>OK, I searched my build directory for a file that contained 'DROP_METHOD',
>but none of them did.  So, I went to the Dart directory to see if any files
>in there contained that text.  The only file that had 'DROP_METHOD' in it
>was install.html.  So, I looked at it and it referenced a
>DartConfig.cmake.  However, I can't find...  Oh, now I see it in my source
>directory.  The DartConfig.cmake contains some lines that look like:
># Dart server to submit results (used by client)
>   SET (DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")
>   SET (DROP_LOCATION "/cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi")
>   SET (DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")
>   SET (DROP_LOCATION "/incoming")
>   SET (DROP_SITE_USER "ftpuser")
>Is this wrong?  Why would the 'if' and the 'else' contain the same "matches
>http" string?
>Anyway, I went into DartConfiguration.tcl in my builds directory and found
>the lines:
># Submission information
>DropSite: public.kitware.com
>DropLocation: /incoming
>DropSiteUser: ftpuser
>DropSitePassword: public
>So, apparently, no DropMethod was set?  Anyway, I first set it to ftp, and
>it gave me the original error.  Then I set it to http and it gave me:
>$ make ExperimentalSubmit
>Building Utility ExperimentalSubmit...
>Submit Experimental
>         Beginning Submission
>It just stops without any warnings or errors.  So, did this complete
>successfully?  Or is this a problem too?
>-David C.
>Dart mailing list
>Dart at public.kitware.com

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