[Ctk-developers] Hackfest preparations

Benoit Bleuze benoit.bleuze at inria.fr
Tue Oct 4 11:36:02 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,

I remember Stephen suggesting we set up a few phone meetings before the hackfest, and I realised it may be high time we start having them!
I would like to suggest Friday afternoon ( I am talking Central European Time here, so Friday morning for our friends from the other continent).

For anyone interested, just reply to me personally, so that we don't pollute the mailing list too much, and we'll try to satisfy everyone's availability.

Tell me what you would like to talk about, on my part I would like to bring forth the following topics:

1- Participants 
2- Hackfest topics (Sacha did a first round on this, but we need to clarify that one bit)
3- Accomodation and logistics.
4- invite you to our imaging hackfest the following week ( http://www-sop.inria.fr/asclepios/events/VPHimaging11/ ).

Best regards,

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