[Ctk-developers] CTK Update to latest DCMTK

OFFIS DICOM Team dicom at offis.de
Mon Aug 1 11:45:24 EDT 2011

Hi JC,

Am 01.08.2011 16:35, schrieb Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin:

> Nevertheless, it seems CTK build is now broken :(

Yes, and totally my fault ;)

> Few remarks:
> 1) In CMakeExternals/DCMTK.cmake - Instead of specifying
> "origin/master", would it be possible to use a specific SHA1 as a
> GIT_TAG. Doing so will be more deterministic and ensure all developers /
> checkout will behave the same way. Before, origin/patched associated with
> our own DCMTK was a "controller" moving target."

I think this is a good idea. Let's adapt the remaining issues to be fine on
the current DCMTK HEAD commit and take that one. I really do not recommend
taking 3.6.0 since I added C-MOVE code (needed for receiving images) to the
DcmSCU class afterwards.

> 2) DCMTK build is broken - How should we address the problem:

DCMTK itself is broken? There is a warning about mktemp, I guess that is
easy to fix and I will do it hopefully already today. Are there any other
issues, just let me know and I'll fix it in DCMTK.

> * Get write access to official dcmtk ? * Ask dcmtk folks to mirror DCMTK
> on github so that we can fork and easily contribute patches ? * Mirror
> DCMTK ourself on commontk/dcmtk

I would not be happy about any of these. Let's get things running on all
platforms now; I will do my part as good as possible and with priority. Then
we can take a fixed commit and update that from time to time in CTK. We can
do that regulary, as you like, or as I can give you a hint if interesting
features (for CTK) come in.
> Assigned issue https://github.com/commontk/CTK/issues/22 to Michael
> In the mean time, I will update CMakeExternal/DCMTK.cmake so that fPIC
> is passed.

Shouldn't we not just change DCMTK's CMakeLists.txt? We need these flags
anyway sooner or later, so we should also take it over. I would just take
over the solution from the link (issues/22) into DCMTK's CMakeLists.txt.
> 3) Should we move to a master/next workflow ?
> Having a continuous dashboard setup for both master and next, we will be
> able to easily identify issue and ensure that our change compile properly
> on all targets platform.

Given my beginner's status in git and somehow also CTK, I would totally
welcome that! So plus 1 from my side ...

Best regards,

OFFIS DICOM Team, Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
E-Mail: dicom at offis.de, URL: http://dicom.offis.de

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