[Ctk-developers] a story of two lists

Marco Viceconti viceconti at tecno.ior.it
Tue Apr 13 09:11:52 EDT 2010

Dear All:
   I am very happy to see that the CTK community is really starting  
up.  But I see a potential risk in the current communication model.   
As it is now, we have a single mailing list to discuss everything from  
the single cmake instruction that breaks the dashboard to the  
copyright issues.  I know some of you have a role in your  
organisations that cover this entire spectrum, but I also know that in  
my organisation, and I suspect in other as well, the persons that are  
interested in some topics are not the same that are interested in  

If this is true for others I would ask we split the list in two, ctk- 
developers and ctk-governance.  In the first we shall continue to  
discuss all implementation problems, in the second issues such as  
licensing, copyright, architectural choices, community development, etc.

Of course one would be allowed so sign up to both, so that for those  
who cover all aspects would not change much. But for the others we  
could partition the communication more effectively, which usually  
improves the level of participation.

Comments are welcome


MARCO VICECONTI, PhD                              
(viceconti at tecno.ior.it)
Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica              tel.   39-051-6366865
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli                            fax.    
via di Barbiano 1/10, 40136 - Bologna, Italy

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