[CMake] Use interface libraries for providing compile options and definitions

Dustyn Blasig dustyn at blasig.us
Fri Oct 4 14:30:16 EDT 2019

Thanks for the input. I will try to upload an example soon and upload an

In the meantime, I think I'll go the route of providing a library of helper
functions like `add_my_flag_target_definitions(other_library PRIVATE)` that
any targets can call. It ends up being about the same amount of CMake code
and doesn't run into the installation issues. If a client wants to bundle
more of them together, they can simply create their own
`add_my_superset_of_target_definitions(my_lib PRIVATE)` or something
similar that calls all the other functions as needed.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 5:30 PM Craig Scott <craig.scott at crascit.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 2:27 AM Dustyn Blasig <dustyn at blasig.us> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have been cleaning up our legacy CMake to use newer features (available
>> in 3.12+) including trying to use target_...() functions nearly
>> exclusively. As part of this, I was toying with cleaning up our use cases
>> for adding compiler flags and similar definitions using real targets and
>> target_link_libraries.
>> For instance, as a simple example, let's say I wanted to add/provide a
>> definition MY_FLAG, I could do something like...
>> ```
>> add_library(my_flag INTERFACE)
>> target_compile_definitions(my_flag INTERFACE MY_FLAG=1)
>> add_library(other_library SHARED ...)
>> target_link_libraries(other_library ... *PRIVATE *my_flag)
>> export/install rules
>> ```
>> I want this library to be private to my component, and it's only used
>> under the PRIVATE banner. However, the issue I'm running into is with the
>> install/export rules. I get an error similar to ...
>> ```
>> CMake Error: install(EXPORT "MY_PROJECT" ...) includes target
>> "other_library" which requires target "my_flag" that is not in the export
>> set.
>> ```
>> If my_flag is defined in my component, I can add it to the export set
>> perhaps to workaround the issue, but in many cases, it would be coming from
>> a helper script in another sub-project I'm fetching using FetchContent and
>> don't want to expose the functionality via my export scripts.
>> (1) Is it recommended to use interface libraries to clean up compile
>> defintions, etc.
> Personally, I don't typically use interface libraries to do this, I prefer
> to list the requirements directly on the targets that they apply to. Some
> people/projects may choose to collect a commonly used set of requirements
> into an interface library, but one drawback with that is it creates the
> temptation to lump a bunch of things together in that interface library
> "for convenience", but end up with some targets having requirements applied
> to them that aren't actually requirements for those targets at all. Used
> appropriately, the technique can be helpful, but don't over-use it. ;)
>> (2) Should it be possible to link privately such libraries and not have
>> the export functionality complain?
> From a usage requirement point of view, the interface library shouldn't
> need to be exported/installed because it is private. However, from a
> linking point of view, a shared library still needs all other libraries it
> links against for the linker to succeed at link time. Interface libraries
> don't appear on the linker command line, so they shouldn't need to be
> installed for linking to succeed, but I'm wondering if CMake's internal
> logic isn't properly handling this. Can you open an issue in CMake's
> gitlab <https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues> and attach a
> complete, minimal example which reproduces the error (seems you're almost
> there with the extracted commands above)?
> --
> Craig Scott
> Melbourne, Australia
> https://crascit.com
> Get the hand-book for every CMake user: Professional CMake: A Practical
> Guide <https://crascit.com/professional-cmake/>
> Consulting services (CMake, C++, build/release processes):
> https://crascit.com/services
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