[CMake] CMake's FindBoost Module Can't Detect Boost Version

Osman Zakir osmanzakir90 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 17 12:43:46 EST 2019

I tried passing -DBoost_COMPILER and -DBoost_DEBUG but it seems it's only looking for up to Boost 1.71.0; the test versions go up to there only.  Should I edit the FindBoost.cmake file to have it look for version 1.72.0 as well?

I'm using MSVC version 14.2, Visual Studio 2019.  I'm using the Developer Command Prompt for VS2019.

I don't know about all of the flags I need to pass, but if it can find the Boost version then it should be able to detect all of the stuff on its own, right?  The first step there isn't going right.
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