[CMake] CMake 3.12 rc2 to rc3 Regression

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Jul 18 09:04:42 EDT 2018

Searching the mailing list archives for the RC3 announcement I scrolled to the bottom and found:

Brad King (2):
      Revert "target_link_libraries: Allow use with targets in other
      CMake 3.12.0-rc3

Just curious what caused the issue to revert the change?

Michael Jackson | Owner, President
      BlueQuartz Software
[e] mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
[w] www.bluequartz.net <http://www.bluequartz.net>

On 7/18/18, 8:48 AM, "Michael Jackson" <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net> wrote:

    There was a regression between 3.12-rc2 and 3.12-rc3 where we can no longer add files to a target unless it was built in the directory that is currently being cmaked? Hard to explain, I'll let my error message help out:
    In CMake 3.12-rc3 and the 3.12 Official Release I get the following:
    -- TransformationPhase [ENABLED] 3 Filters
    -- Plugin: Defining UCSBUtilities_SOURCE_DIR to /Users/mjackson/DREAM3D-Dev/DREAM3D/ExternalProjects/Plugins/UCSBUtilities
    CMake Error at ExternalProjects/SIMPL/Wrapping/Python/Pybind11/cmake/WrappingFunctions.cmake:144 (target_link_libraries):
      Attempt to add link library "UCSBUtilitiesServer" to target "dream3d_py"
      which is not built in this directory.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
      ExternalProjects/Plugins/UCSBUtilities/CMakeLists.txt:242 (CreatePybind11Module)
    In CMake 3.12 rc2 and earlier I don't get the error message. I was trying to keep up with the RCs but just got back from travel to test the release. We were counting on that new feature for a few aspects of our project. Was the feature pulled due to bugs?
    Michael Jackson | Owner, President
          BlueQuartz Software
    [e] mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
    [w] www.bluequartz.net <http://www.bluequartz.net>

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