[CMake] E-Mail Notification of CDash is not working anymore

Gerhard Gappmeier gerhard.gappmeier at ascolab.com
Fri Jan 23 08:51:12 EST 2015


I'm actually not sure since when this is broken, but I'm pretty sure that it 
worked already.
Actually I'm using CDash 2.2.3.

When I configure the project susbcription to send emails on
"when my checkins are causing problems in any sections of the dashboard "
and notification in the user settings to "email checkins" I don't get any email 
when a new commit breaks the build.

If I change "email checkins" to "all emails" then I get emails. So email 
sending works in general.

However, most developers want to get emails only for the commits which they 
have broken, and not for all emails.

The git commits contains correct author information with email, so that's not 
the problem.

Any ideas what could be missing in the configuration?
or is this maybe a known bug?

mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

Gerhard Gappmeier
ascolab GmbH - automation systems communication laboratory
Tel.: +49 9131 691 123
Fax: +49 9131 691 128
Web: http://www.ascolab.com
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ascolab GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Gerhard Gappmeier, Matthias Damm, Uwe Steinkrauß
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Am Weichselgarten 7 • 91058 Erlangen • Germany
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