[CMake] Are the poor reviews of Mastering CMake Justified?

Tamás Kenéz tamas.kenez at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 12:17:42 EST 2015

I've read the older edition. Yes, I also think it could be written better
and most of the information is available online. Still, it provided me with
authorative information, concentrated into a single book, (as opposed to be
scattered over the internet). It really helped me to lay down the
foundations of my CMake knowledge.

On Friday, December 18, 2015, DJ <jakep at arqux.com> wrote:

> I have only very recently encountered the need to use cmake. It seems this
> need came all at once out of the blue.
> It appears to me that there is a general perception that good tutorial
> material is in short supply. I have followed various tutorials that are
> available online and find them less than stellar. I am mostly familiar with
> gnu toolchain stuff. I admit that I am biased here because my own work
> presents zero requirement for cross-platform builds. So far I find cmake
> documentation to be considerably inferior to gnu documentation, but that's
> just me.
> This all led me to consider purchasing the book Mastering CMake. However,
> reviews on Amazon are generally very critical of the book. It is indeed
> expensive. Should I bother to shell out for it, or do others here share
> this negative evaluation of it? I don't want to waste my money.
> Best,
> - Jake -
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