[CMake] cmake 3.0.0 generating VS sln file default target machine type x86 (UNCLASSIFIED)

J Decker d3ck0r at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 10:43:03 EDT 2014

automatic selection
1) use a batch file and test things like %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% and
generate a cmake -g "<appropriate environment>"
2) write a cmake script that does the test. and runs an appropraite cmake
command specifying the generator

instead of using msbuild, you can use 'cmake --build . --config Debug
--target INSTALL -- /m:4 /v:m'  (for instance)

while I find it annoying that VS tests come from the registry, and
therefore are always available, pre-empting that you have gcc in the path
and not devenv... it has to default to something.
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