[CMake] Incorrect object file name on cmake compilation

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Thu Sep 11 11:40:44 EDT 2014

On 9/11/2014 7:04 AM, Ravi Raman wrote:
> Yes. That's correct David. I was actually looking for an explanation
> why the object file name is coming with the suffix .cpp.obj instead
> of the conventional .obj. It was kind of a problem for me because the
> object file comparison tool uses the object file name as the
> reference for object file comparison.

The reason is to assure that we have unique names for the object files. 
Imagine a project that had main.c main.cxx and main.F90.  They could not 
all go to main.o.  Instead of having to search for duplicates like that 
and special case them, CMake uses a consistent and unique name for the 
object files.  Really old CMake used to create main.o and issues like 
this showed up.


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